My 1st Ship as Lumut Pilot

My 1st ship as the Lumut Pilot was to unberth  the MV Dugi Otok which was alongsided at the Malayan Flour Mills (MFM) Jetty. However, the operation was delayed due to tidal requirement to unberth.

 It was SOP to check the fwd and aft drafts before boarding the vessel. The vessel was in her light draft and her stbd anchor was used during her berthing.

Finally, the vessel  was able to unberth the wharf upon to tidal permitted and her anchor was brought home.
However, due to the sudden strong developing of flooding current pushing the vessel towards shallow water, the stbd anchor was let go again to hold the vessel's movement instantly.  After ensuring that the vessel was free from any imminent danger , she was finally piloted out of Dinding River safely.


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