Living in harmony community

Human being is a social being. We live in a society and like to share our feelings, happiness and sorrows with our friends, relatives and others. This wish of togetherness and belonging leads to create a community as a whole. Community is a broader term and has a larger connotation. Presently Internet has contributed a lot in connecting people through various communities.

Usually community refers to a group of people living in a common geographical location. This group of people obeys some social norms and some common value among themselves. As such, there are so many communities the world over, separated by languages, cultures, or geographical locations. However, they are related to each other in some way or other, thus making entire world a one, single community.

A sense of community is important to establish peace and harmony among the society. The division of work, feeling of association, togetherness, and cooperation - all these help in establishing a healthy atmosphere filled with unity, harmony and friendship. The sense of a community is also important in fostering a feeling of
 intra-national as well as international brotherhood. Let us discuss these points, in an absence of which there will be complete chaos in the community.

A sense of togetherness lies in the soul of every individual. This comes from our care and dependency on our fellow beings. From our childhood days to our adulthood, we care for our family members, our relatives, our neighbors and friends. This leads to a need of togetherness among people, which helps in creating a community. We tend to enjoy any festival or social ritual together. This is a kind of community feeling. Without community people will be alone, there won't be anyone to talk to or to share with.

In a community people live by associating with one another. The feeling of association is a common human feeling. This helps in establishing peace and harmony within a community. Without a feeling of association there will be chaos and disharmony in the society or community. Hence, this point plays an important role in making a lively and vibrant community.

It’s a fact that we are all more alike than we are different. In effect this means that the more a person understands and admires traits and talents within himself or herself, the more this person is likely to understand and admire about the rest of humanity. The fabric of humanity is woven of many threads and each of us can enrich and uplift the whole as best we can to ensure the greatest amount of harmony between you and the other human beings inhabiting planet Earth:

  1. Every time you encounter another person, recognize that a major percentage of each person is exactly identical to you.
  2. Recognize the common nature that each person has to pursue personal preservation, personal growth, and personal enjoyment.
    Recognize that each human being is potentially an asset to humanity.
  3. Recognize the unique contribution that each person is able to make to the ongoing cause of human progress through imagination and hard work.
  4. Appreciate your natural desire to look good and to perform well.
  5. Recognize that you are able to be useful to others, and that others are able to be useful to you.
  6. Recognize that we are all on this planet together


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