
Showing posts from December, 2013

Pekerjaan Itu Satu Amanah

Puan, Saya tertarik dengan kisah topik 'Badan di pejabat, hati di rumah' oleh puan di dalam Utusan Malaysia bertarikh pada 18hb Ogos 2008. Sememangnya itulah sikap dan tabiat manusia tanpa mengira usia dan jantina akan mengambil kesempatan di dalam situasi begini untuk membereskan atau melakukan pekerjaan yang lain yang kekadang melambatkan atau tiada berkaitan langsung dengan kerja yang sedang dilakukan. Sesungguhnya perlakuan ini terjadi disebabkan tiada pemahaman atau kesedaran di dalam diri mereka tentang pekerjaan itu merupakan suatu amanah yang bukan perlu atau suka hati untuk diselesaikan tapi dimestikan menyelesaikannya di dalam tempoh masa bekerja. Tiada timbul permasalahan tuduh - menuduh atau menang - kalah di dalam diri semua orang seandainya kita benar - benar menyedari akibat dari perbuatan kita yang tidak mengamalkan sikap amanah. Kupasan mengenai akibat ini terlalu mendalam untuk diperbincangkan di sini maka seeloknya kita cuba memahami akan maksud ama...

Hutang ! Hutang ! Hutang !

Sememangnya kehidupan kita ini setiap saat berlandaskan pada hutang semata - mata. Namun akibat tiada pembayaran balik maka kita alpa dan bersikap lupakan diri. Kita merungut setiap masa, ada sahaja benda atau perkara yang tidak kena seolah - olah dunia ini kita yang punya dan perjalanan kehidupan yang tiada perancangan terbaik menurut pendapat dan kehendak kita sendiri. Ketahuilah jantung tiada mengeluh barang sesaat namun taat setia setiap menjalankan kewajibannya penuh amanah. Sedarilah akan pernafasan yang tiada berhenti walau sesaat, setia menjalankan pergerakan tanpa keluhan agar badan bernyawa cukup bekalan. Udara yang disedut tiada sebarang pembayaran malah percuma dari hari kelahiran hinggalah ke hari penghabisan perjalanan hidup. Bayangkan sekiranya apa sahaja yang ada pada kita dikenakan pembayarannya, maka tiada akan kita termampu untuk membayarnya dan dunia kehidupan akan kesunyian tiada yang bernyawa bergerak menjalankan kewajiban seadanya. Sesung...

Berthing at Butterworth Bulk Carriers Terminal # 1

MV HERAKLIA LOA – 224.5 M          DRAFT – F 6.89M / A 8.38 GRT – 32342 TONS ENGINE – SUMITOMO SULZER 6RND 76M   HERAKLIA at anchorage position of 167 deg. x 1.67 of NBCT, proceeding slowly to BCT for berthing. Courses varies applied to aim for Ferry Channel. Courses varies during passing Ferry Channel ( 168 – 172 deg) to maintain the position in the channel at controllable speed. Used three 3 tugs ( Goldlion – Forward, Bertam – midst and Kantan Mesra – Aft). Proceeding at slowest speed with courses of 175 – 180 deg to berth. HERAKLIA rested nicely on the BCT berth. 1 st line was the headline followed by aft spring.  

Piloting the barge to port alongside at Butterworth Wharf # 5


A journey in Perai River, Penang Port


Penang South Channel Entrance


My CICS Project

  CICS shown its interest in QMS by offering the opportunity of representing CICS in ASIA region consist of countries such as: 1.      Malaysia 2.      Indonesia 3.      Thailand 4.      Singapore 5.      Vietnam 6.      Laos 7.      Cambodia 8.      Philippines By adhering to the UKAS requirement, CICS prefers to manage all certifications issue from the UK office whereas other, local company etc. could do other services locally.   CICS would like QMS to represent them by acting as their sub contractor in the manner of: Promoting and establishing CICS within ASIA region To conduct own team of marketing arms, auditors, administration personnel etc Operating at minimum costs Responsible for the whole ASIA region business   Responsible for research and client based business develop...

A MEMOIR : Sales & Marketing Manager for BSI Management Systems

When I was holding the post of Sales & Marketing Manager for BSI Management Systems for the 1 st few months, I, oneself have been working around the clock by exerting my very best effort to promote and establish the BSI Management Systems’ services by using its global influence and offering the same opportunities to clients in Malaysia Northern Region by clearly understanding their requirements towards any testing and certifications. I have been attacking constantly all potential customers by visiting, phone calls, emails, brochures as well as organising the BSI Communications Day within the region. I kept liaising with Kuala Lumpur Branch and Singapore Headquarters to be latest well updated of the services provided. Even I did approach the Construction Indu stry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) t o register the company as a panel member for Construction Indu stry for future business opportunities for its contractors and customers. Unfortunately, I was psycho...

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

How an organization defines and measures progress toward its goals Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPI or Key Success Indicators (KSI), help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals. Once an organization has analyzed its mission, identified all its stakeholders, and defined its goals, it needs a way to measure progress toward those goals. Key Performance Indicators are those measurements. What Are Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. They will differ depending on the organization. A business may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators the percentage of its income that comes from return customers. A school may focus its Key Performance Indicators on graduation rates of its students. A Customer Service Department may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators, in line with overall company KP...


Tuan – tuan& puan – puan sekalian, Assalammualaikum WB & salam sejahtera, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin Pada 21hb Februari 2013 yang lalu, Barisan Exco SOA berpeluang mengadakan sesi perjumpaan dengan pihak Kementerian Kewangan yang diwakili oleh Yang Bhg.   Dato’ Dr Mohd Isa Hussian, Timbalan Setiausaha, Bahagian MKD & Penswastaan dan wakil Seaport Terminal (Johore) Sdn Bhd untuk membincangkan   isu – isu berkaitan pengambilalihan Penang Port. Diawal perjumpaan tersebut, saya ditanya oleh Dato’ Dr Isa berapakah jumlah ahli SOA dan    beliau agak terkejut dengan jumlah kita sebanyak 137 orang sahaja dimana jangkaannya adalah sebanyak 1,300 orang. Namun, saya menegaskan biarpun jumlahnya   kecil tapi berkualiti, berkemahiran dan setia melaksanakan pelbagai perancangan strategik syarikat selama ini tanpa sebarang bantahan atau demostrasi. Sememangnya kita mengalu – alukan pengswastaan oleh pihak Seaport dan bersedia untuk berterusan ...


An efficient and safe Marine practices being executed at all times by every ship of : (i) Classes, I, II, II(A), VII, VII(T), VII(A), VIII, VIII(T), VIII(A), and VIII(A)(T); (ii) Class X where the distance in normal operating conditions, from the water to the point of access to the vessel exceeds 2.5 metres; and (iii) Classes III to VI(A) inclusive and of IX, IX(A), IX(A)(T), XI, and XII, when engaged on a voyage during the course of which a pilot is likely to be employed; shall be provided by the owner with a pilot ladder and associated equipment complying with the requirements of regulation 7(3) to (10) and, when required by regulation 5(2)(b), an accommodation ladder or ladders complying with the requirements of regulation 7(2). 1) Pilot Ladder      - shall be so positioned and secured; - that it is clear of any possible discharges from the ship; - that it is within the parallel body length of the ship; ...