An engine problem with a broken window Pilot Boat strives the bad weather
On 10th of September, 2013 at 0400 hrs, piloted the 155 meter in length and 8.6 meter draft MT Clipper Helen, maneuvering slowly out of Penang harbour with chilly and slight breeze blew offshore.
While running at 13 knots in the channel, overheard the Pilot Boat's engine problem and only managed to roll on at 11.5 knots and unable to catch the vessel on time for disembarkation. Thus, the boat was instructed to meet at 6 cables off buoy No. 1 Green. The sign of bad weather with black clouds furling clearly seen at the horizon with the sudden rise of the winds speed while the Clipper Helen resumed running in the channel.
Reached the disembarkation point but drifted for half and hour on board Clipper Helen as the boat unable to reach in time due to speed decreased to 4.5 - 5 knots held by the wind speed of 35 knots with medium swell chopping seas. Finally, the boat approached the vessel and managed to disembark with Clipper Helen holds the striking seas on the starboard.
Thus, the engine problem pilot boat worked hardly with 5 knots speed to cut off the striking swells, heavily poured rains and fiercely winds with uncertain medium pounding, pitching and rolling situation which shatter the starboard window; the rains and sea water sprayed in the boat continuously.
After being heavily smashed and thrown in/out for almost 2 hours at seas, finally the boat maneuvered slowly towards South Swettenham Pier Pontoon to drop off at 0830 hrs.