
Showing posts from September, 2013

Convective rain

    Convective rain, or showery precipitation, occurs from convective clouds such as cumulonimbus or cumulus congestus. It falls as showers with rapidly changing intensity. Convective precipitation falls over a certain area for a relatively short time, as convective clouds have limited horizontal extent.

Persiapkan diri untuk mencapai kemajuan

Ungkapan ‘Bloom where you are planted’ yang membawa maksud ‘Berkembanglah di tempat di mana anda ditempatkan(berada)’   merupakan kalimat yang sangat penting dan perlu difahami oleh semua orang didalam sesebuah organisasi bagi mencapai objektif dan matlamatnya secara konsisten dan bertaraf professional. Pendapat tentang ketidakkeberuntungan seseorang itu berada di tempat yang salah atau apa sahaja alasan yang berbau negatif perlu disingkirkan dari   minda mereka yang berkeyakinan diri untuk berterusan memajukan diri sendiri kerana ianya secara tidak langsung turut menjanakan energi positif terhadap keluarga, sahabat handai, tempat kerja dan sesebuah organisasi tersebut. Persiapkan diri untuk mencapai kemajuan merupakan langkah pertama yang perlu ditempuhi kerana kemajuan itu tidak datang bergolek dengan sendirinya dan perlu diingatkan bahawa setiap pekerja di dalam sesebuah organisasi itu mempunyai bahagian atau tugasan masing – masing yang mesti dijalankan sehingga k...

An engine problem with a broken window Pilot Boat strives the bad weather

  On 10th of September, 2013 at 0400 hrs, piloted the 155 meter in length  and 8.6 meter draft MT Clipper Helen, maneuvering slowly out of Penang harbour with  chilly and slight breeze blew offshore. While running at 13 knots in the channel, overheard the Pilot Boat's engine problem and only managed to roll on  at 11.5 knots and unable to catch the vessel on time for disembarkation. Thus, the boat was instructed to meet  at 6 cables off buoy No. 1 Green. The sign of bad weather with black clouds furling clearly seen at the horizon  with the sudden rise of the winds speed while the Clipper Helen resumed running in the channel. Reached the disembarkation point but drifted for half and hour on board Clipper Helen as the boat unable to reach in time due to speed decreased to 4.5 - 5 knots held by the wind speed of  35 knots with medium swell chopping seas. Finally, the boat approached t...

Majlis Penghargaan YB Dato' Sri Dr Hilmi Haji Yahya selaku mantan Pengerusi Penang Port

Pada 27 Ogos 2013, Majlis Penghargaan YB Dato Seri Dr Hilmi bin Hj Yahaya telah diadakan di Bilik Cha, Hotel Traders sebagai tanda penghargaan kepada beliau selaku mantan Pengerusi Penang Port yang kini menjawat jawatan Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan.    

Wilhelm E on Fire at NBCT Penang Port

    The fire started around 0650 hrs and managed to be put off by 0700 hrs with the assistance of Penang Port harbor tugs, Kantan Mesra & Nadi.......  

Surau The Spring


Piloted Push Tug, Goyu & barge, Gemuk 154 from TNB Prai Power Plant to Dumping Area


Administration Skills

To keep up with an ever-changing workplace, administrative professionals are given a wide range of responsibilities. These office professionals may specialize in a number of fields, from legal, medical, and education professions to government or technological fields. Administrative skills will vary among different industries as well as different geographical locations.   Although their duties may vary from field to field and place to place, most office professionals will still share a similar set of abilities. One of these includes having strong organization skills. Administrative professionals must have the ability to multitask and make use of time management skills . Administrative workers are known to juggle numerous tasks and clients in addition to meeting deadlines. These professionals must not only provide general office procedures but also support staff; perform scheduling; handle purchases; train others; and interact with clients, vendors, and the general public. ...

Piloting TB Sealink Pacific 1 from W5 to anchorage

Sambutan Hari Raya Idil Fitri 2013 oleh Jemaah Surau The Spring bersama keluarga
