Work Delegation

Delegation means achieving results by giving someone else the authority to do work for which you are ultimately responsible.

Consider these questions in deciding whether to delegate a task or project.

Do I really have to do this myself?

· Who else has the ability to do this?

· Who might benefit from learning to do this?

· What is the worst thing that may happen if I delegate this?

· How can I prevent that from happening?

· Who has the biggest stake in the outcome?

· Who really “owns” this problem?

Seven tips for effective delegation

1. Define your desired results.

2. Select an appropriate employee.

3. Determine the “level” of delegation.

4. Clarify expectations and set parameters.

5. Give authority to match level of responsibility.

6. Provide background information.

7. Arrange for feedback during the process.

Some characteristics of an effective delegator to be considered as below.

- Develops trusting relationships with employees.

- Is able to let go of detail work.

- Can let others make decisions.

- Focuses on desired results, not methods.

- Is open to new ideas and approaches.

- Helps people learn from their mistakes.

- Feels rewarded by the success of others.


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