Don't lie to yourself

If you can’t be truthful with yourself, what’s the point? And, how are you really showing up in this world? Everyone, by now, is squirming in their seats and shaking their head in denial. “Not me, no, no. I don’t lie to myself.”

But, your body language already gives you away. You already can’t sit in your discomfort. You already know the truth. Deep down, you know; you can instantly recall several lies you have told yourself and others. Your mind darts to the lies others have told you that you have absorbed as truth. The name calling, the labels. The limiting beliefs you have adopted about yourself. Everything is grayed and convoluted. Who are you truly?
Everyone lies. You may not think you do but even small omissions to speak up or pretending to be someone or to be as knowledgeable, skilled or prepared as we are expected to be are all forms of lying. Lying to yourself is a deep betrayal though, as if you spend a lot of time convincing yourself you're someone other than who you truly feel yourself to be inside, then life is going to be much tougher for you than it needs to be. Stopping the lies to yourself can be an enormously cathartic experience if you're willing to give it a go.
Sometimes, you know you're lying to yourself but the inner voice that's goading you to deceive yourself screams more loudly. Allow yourself the space to spot the lies you tell yourself by not beating yourself up over the discoveries you'll make and by making compacts with yourself to overcome the worst of this habit so that you can lead a more satisfying life.
Remember, what we believe to be truth is not necessarily true. So, I ask you to stop believing the lies you tell yourself and others. I ask you to have an honest conversation with yourself. Remember, who you are, what you are passionate about, what your values are and what your true character is. When you open your mouth, speak only truth that honors that. And, when you fail to, hit the pause button, and make it right.


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