Benarkan yang benar
Sudikah, mampukah, relakah hati, mulut, lidah berkata, bertutur benar ? Sememangnya yang benar, yang membenar dan terbenar itu pahit, pedih dan menikam jiwa. Walau apapun alasannya, cubalah kembali ke jalan kebenaran dengan berkata, bertutur, berlakuan yang benar.
Ajarlah, didiklah, pratiklah semua anggota badan yang diluar, didalam berterusan mengamalkan kebenaran walau ditempuh, ditampar dugaan, cabaran, pukulan badai kehidupan hingga tersungkur jatuh di pertengahan jalan. Ketahuilah perjalanan yang jauh berombak dan beralun penuh dengan onak berduri pasti akan berakhir. Kebenaran pasti menyerlah tanpa ketahuan masanya. Tiada rugi setitik pun dengan berpendirian benar, bersikap benar, berkata benar dan beramal benar walau dihambat, ditentang semuanya kerana kebenaran tetap terpilih, dipilih yang membenarkan.
Maka, mulalah berucap benar pada diri sendiri.
Speak the truth
Willing, capable, offer to say the truth ? By the truth, the whole truth, the actual truth is so painful and kills the soul. For whatever reasons would be, strike the best to return to the truth path by saying, voicing and behaviouring the truth.
Keep teaching and practicing all the outer and inner body parts the truth continuously although being slamped many times by various life challenges till felt in the middle of the life journey. Do realize that the tough, rough, miserable life journey will end soon. The truth will pervail itself at no time. Not losing anything for standing up the truth, behave the truth and practice the truth although being against by all because the truth is the chosen one and always will be.
Thus, utter the truth to thyself.
Ajarlah, didiklah, pratiklah semua anggota badan yang diluar, didalam berterusan mengamalkan kebenaran walau ditempuh, ditampar dugaan, cabaran, pukulan badai kehidupan hingga tersungkur jatuh di pertengahan jalan. Ketahuilah perjalanan yang jauh berombak dan beralun penuh dengan onak berduri pasti akan berakhir. Kebenaran pasti menyerlah tanpa ketahuan masanya. Tiada rugi setitik pun dengan berpendirian benar, bersikap benar, berkata benar dan beramal benar walau dihambat, ditentang semuanya kerana kebenaran tetap terpilih, dipilih yang membenarkan.
Maka, mulalah berucap benar pada diri sendiri.
Speak the truth
Willing, capable, offer to say the truth ? By the truth, the whole truth, the actual truth is so painful and kills the soul. For whatever reasons would be, strike the best to return to the truth path by saying, voicing and behaviouring the truth.
Keep teaching and practicing all the outer and inner body parts the truth continuously although being slamped many times by various life challenges till felt in the middle of the life journey. Do realize that the tough, rough, miserable life journey will end soon. The truth will pervail itself at no time. Not losing anything for standing up the truth, behave the truth and practice the truth although being against by all because the truth is the chosen one and always will be.
Thus, utter the truth to thyself.