
Showing posts from July, 2011

Be aware

Every year lives are lost and millions of dollars' worth of damage is caused through fires in ships. Human error is by far the most common cause of fires. It is often a single careless act that endangers the lives of all the crew. These brief factual accounts of fires which occurred in several types of vessel illustrate some of the risks. Every member of the crew has a part to play in preventing fires. And this applies not only to fire-fighting methods. Take a long, critical look at your ship - is there any place where failure or malfunction could bring disaster? The danger spots are machinery, accommodation and cargo spaces.

Fitness at sea

Fitness is not about working out at the gym or running a marathon but it is important for coping with life’s emergencies, big and small, whether it is running to make an airport connection or fleeing a burning building. Fitness is at the heart of the Marine Industry and there are also many reasons why it is important that ship board personnel maintain a high level of fitness: Improved fitness to fight and ability to cope with the physical demands of life at sea Improved confidence in own capabilities and in the physical robustness and determination of other members of the team Improved physical ability, which in turn maximises resistance to injury and extremes of heat; fitter people are also likely to recover more quickly from injury and physical stress Improved alertness and reduced levels of psychological stress Improved good health, now and in later life

Pentingkah Ilmu Pelayaran itu ?

Ilmu pelayaran merupakan salah satu dari cabang ilmu duniawi yang menuntut kefahaman jitu dari segi teori dan pratikal untuk mengasah kemahiran secara berterusan dan keseluruhan di dalam melayarkan sebuah kapal yang membawa muatan / kargo dari satu pelabuhan ke satu pelabuhan yang lain dengan aman dan selamat dari pelbagaian rintangan seperti kemalangan, pelanggaran, tumpahan minyak, kerosakan muatan / kargo dan sebagainya. Tuntutan pembelajaran ilmu pelayaran secara berperingkat – peringkat mengajar seseorang pelaut itu agar bersikap lebih penyabar, tenang, berfikiran kritikal, berkebolehan membuat keputusan dan mengambil langkah – langkah pembetulan serta pencegahan di dalam menghadapi sebarang situasi yang melibatkan manusia dan harta benda agar sentiasa selamat dan bebas dari sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini seperti kebakaran, kemalangan dan sebagainya. Keutamaan keselamatan menjadikan seseorang pelaut itu sentiasa mendisplinkan diri sendiri mematuhi sebarang prosedur, peratu...